Death Trance (2006)

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Death Trance 2006 / デス・トランス 2006 /

Sakaguchi stars as a nameless wanderer, a warrior with only one goal: a fabled coffin housed in a remote temple in the east. Heavily guarded, there are conflicting reports about the coffin's powers. Some claim whoever opens it will be granted whatever they wish for. Others believe it is a prison for a goddess of destruction. All agree it must be transported from its eastern resting place to the lost forests of the west to be opened. Sakaguchi gains his prize, but on the trip west to open it is under constant assault by gangs of thieves and other wanderers intent on gaining control of the coffin for themselves, not least among them a temple acolyte carrying a magical - and ludicrously phallic, right down to the pulsing veins in one key scene - sword, and a powerful warrior intent on gaining the coffin for himself - played convincingly and with a good amount of charisma by Steven Seagal's son, Kentaro.
