Feel Good (2015)

Native Title:

Feel Good รู้สึกดีที่มีกัน

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Feel Good 2015 / Feel Good รู้สึกดีที่มีกัน 2015 / Rusuek Dee Tee Mee Gun , Ruseuk Di Thi Mi Kan

Named after the great scientist, school boy Einstein is actually the right-hand man of an absent- minded science teacher whose latest epic mission in the lab is to find a potion to prove true love. Einstein himself never really understands love. It’s not easy. He has a secret crush on a classmate, but she obviously only has eyes for his close friend. Finally, almost with no help from the teacher, Einstein comes up with a crazy potion. Whoever drinks it will forget the one he or she loves. But what will it prove? Expect the unexpected because love can begin everywhere when you ‟feel good.‟ (Source: ContentThailand.com)
