Like Father And Son (2020)

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Like Father And Son (2020) photo
Like Father And Son (2020) photo


Like Father And Son 2020 / 拨浪鼓咚咚响 2020 / The Rattle Drum , Bo Lang Gu Dong Dong Xiang , 撥浪鼓咚咚響

Shi Guo Ren is a middle-aged man who travels from one village to another in Shaanxi Province in a rundown truck selling all kinds of merchandise. His travels have taken a turn for the tragic recently, as his son has died of an illness and Guo Ren blames the death on an old friend who defrauded him of money needed for hospital treatment; so he hits the road in the hunt for his former friend to avenge his son’s death with blood. Shi Ma Dou is one of the many children abandoned by their parents in their home villages, but the grandmother who looked after him suddenly dies, and Madou decides to go in search of his father. He hides in Guo Ren’s truck, but inadvertently sets fire to the firecrackers stored there on the occasion of the Chinese New Year, and ends up starting a fire that causes serious damage to the vehicle. Guo Ren, furious, decides to accompany Madou to the city where his father works as a construction worker to ask him for damages. (Source: Far East Film Festival) ~~ Release dates: Jul 28, 2020 (Festival) || Feb 25, 2023 (Cinema)
