Shen Ai Shi Nian (2017)

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Shen Ai Shi Nian 2017 / 深爱十年 2017 / 深愛十年 , Love Ten Years , Ten Years of Deep Love , Shenzhen Story Irrelevant

The film tells the story of a beautiful girl, Bai Mengmeng. After ten years, she set foot in Shenzhen again. Looking at the surrounding buildings and street scenes, she recalled her struggle and emotional entanglements in Shenzhen ten years ago. The film unfolds in the form of memories. Different protagonists have different original intentions, so that they have completely different ability to withstand internal and external pressures and conflicts. Countless young men and women in the city are struggling with their own future in different ways. , the film is interspersed with representatives of the ‟deep drift‟ family in various industries in reality, including entrepreneurs, white-collar workers, etc. Everyone has different feelings when they look back on this experience. As Wan Min, the screenwriter of the play said: ‟This movie has unique scenery of Shenzhen that you may not have seen, Huan Fei Yanxuan, the worldly sophistication that you may not have seen, and the scorching world and grass-roots characters that you may not have experienced. Poor fate.‟ (Source: Douban)
