Table for Six 2 (2024)

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Table for Six 2 2024 / 飯戲攻心2 2024 / Fan Xi Gong Xin 2 , Hai Shi Jue De Ni Zui Hao 2 , Faan Hei Gung Sam , Waan Si Gaau Dak Nei Jeui Hou , 饭戏攻心2 , 还是觉得你最好2 , 還是覺得你最好2

From one table of six people to three wedding banquets, the three groups of couples appeared to be happy on the surface, but privately, they were all in pain. Although everyone is working hard to hope that the other person will be happy, it turns out that they are doing bad things with good intentions. Misunderstanding, care, suspicion, expectation, resentment, love, let's see how the lovers finally get married. (Source: Chinese = Douban || Translation = XuongPhim)
