We Are Seventeen (2016)

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We Are Seventeen 2016 / 我们十七岁 2016 / Back to youth , womenshiqisui , we are 17 , women17sui

In the ‟We 17 years old‟ program, 6 top stars will return to the youth of the collective travel life, according to the development of ‟wish List‟, set out, like a group of 17-Year-old young people, with a kind of unbridled mood to start a group of youth comedy Travel. They will explore the unknown food in China in the wild way of Boyhood. They will be like a group of small children again to life, to the world of curiosity, in the process of madness not only explore the beauty of life, but also explore the depths of their own heart, it will be a journey to find a warm heart beginner's mind
