Song Ci Zhi Cao Ren An (2022)

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Song Ci Zhi Cao Ren An (2022) photo


Song Ci Zhi Cao Ren An 2022 / 宋慈之草人案 2022 / Song Ci - Scarecrow Case , Song Ci Zhi Cao Ren An , Detective Song Ci , Fa Yi Song Ci Zhi Cao Ren Huan Hun , 法医宋慈之草人还魂 , 法醫宋慈之草人還魂

The son of Yufu died tragically, and all the people in Yufu turned into straw people overnight. Song Ci was ordered to investigate and found that the case was intertwined, and was attacked by grassmen one after another in the middle. The court sent Ding Guang Li to assist Song Ci, but it made the case more complicated and confusing, but it also made Song Ci discover that the straw man case was a huge conspiracy. (Source: Douban)
